Club Penguin’s Penguin of the Week: Dhi228

By / January 8, 2015

Penguin of the Week is finally back! After not posting it in roughly a month and a half Daffodaily has once again resumed it. This week the featured penguin is Dhi228. Congrats buddy!

Here’s what Daffo said about him:

Our first POTW of 2015, Dhi228 was nominated for being super generous at Coins for Change this year – he was really getting into the Merry Walrus spirit. Check out that festive jumper!


Great job! As a reward Dhi received 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background for his penguin. If you know someone who deserves to be Penguin of the Week you can nominate them by commenting on the Club Penguin Blog with their name and why they should be selected.

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Thanks train :)