Club Penguin Blog: Chatta’s Australia Day Extravaganza

By / January 27, 2015

It’s been a few weeks since Chattabox had a meetup on Club Penguin, so in honour of Monday being Australia Day she’s hosting an Aussie Extravanganza. (little detail, she wrote extravaNganza in her post but extravaganza in her post title – slight differences!) Here’s Chattabox’s post with all of the details:

G’Day Penguins,

Monday was a VERY special day for us down under; it was Australia Day! So I’d like to say a big HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY to my fellow Aussie penguins.

To celebrate this awesome occasion, I’m going to be throwing a special ‘Aussie Extravanganza’ party in my iggy. The one we held last year was amazing and this year I want to make it even better! Who’s with me? Dress in green and gold (or yellow!) and bring along your best Aussie jokes, facts and remember to practice the lingo; its going to be a ‘ripper’ day. I’ll be decking out my iggy as a typical Aussie beach party with bbq’s music and beach fun! Can’t wait to see you all – come and celebrate all things Australia with your favourite Aussie mascot ;)


Let’s meet in the Forest on the Down Under server on Wednesday 28th January. Here are the times:

  • 4:00 PM East Australian Standard Time
  • 6:00 PM New Zealand Standard Time
  • 9:00 PM Penguin Standard Time on Tuesday 27th January for everyone over in the US and Canada
  • 5:00 AM on Wednesday 28th January for my pals in the UK

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Focusing on exam (@Laserxknight_CP)

Focusing on exam (@Laserxknight_CP)

I hope I was a mod and I can host a Malaysia Day party on Club Penguin…