Live In Germany? Mark Your Calendar – We Wish You a Merry Walrus Airs December 24
In a week on December 17th the Club Penguin holiday special will be airing on Disney Channel UK, but what about other countries? Club Penguin still has to announce air dates, however a TV listing has been found for Disney Channel in Germany. According to RTV, a German TV guide website, the Club Penguin special will be airing in Germany on Disney Channel on December 24th at 12:45 PM to 1:10 PM (13:10) – 25 minutes in length. While it appears to be a legit listing, please keep in mind that TV schedules can and will change, even at the last minute.
The listing also has a description of the special. Here’s a very rough and definitely not 100% accurate translation of it from German to English:
While the village’s penguins prepare for the annual “Merry Walrus” celebration, Herbert P. Bear tries to sabotage it. Meanwhile, the clumsy loner Roofhouse tries to keep up with the festivities. Can this unfortunate fellow solve the mystery of the crystal blue puffles and save the festivities?
If you speak German, here’s the original text:
Während sich das Dorf der geselligen Pinguine auf die jährliche “Merry Walrus”-Feier vorbereitet, versucht der mürrische Betrüger Herbert P. Bear sie zu sabotieren. Inzwischen der trifft der tollpatschige Einzelgänger Roofhouse im Ort ein und versucht Anschluss zu finden. Kann dieser unglückselige Kerl das Geheimnis der kristallblauen Puffles lüften und die Feierlichkeiten retten?
The We Wish You A Merry Walrus special will also be available for purchase on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Video. The exact cost is unknown but I’m guessing it will be either $1.99 or $2.99.
Thanks to Pen50gi for spotting the guide listing!
Now you write with Germany and United Kingdom, do you also know with Denmark? :D Or if you not know it now, I will maybe asked The CP Team :)
Nope I don’t, I’ll make posts whenever I find out air times!
Okay, thank you :D
“While the village’s penguins prepare for the annual “Merry Walrus” celebration, Herbert P. Bear tries to sabotage it. ”
That probably explains this :P (
Good point!