Club Penguin December 2014 Snow & Sports Catalogue Released

By / December 4, 2014

Today Club Penguin updated the Snow & Sports catalogue to add bobsledding, hockey, and figure skating gear, but they did not update the stadium and replace it with the Ice Rink, which doesn’t make sense since usually they update both at the same time. Regardless, if you want to get some winter sports items for your penguin, head on over to the Stadium or Skatepark and click on the catalogue. The “new” items for winter are the exact same as last year’s, so there is not anything new.

Club Penguin Snow & Sports December 2014 Catalogue

There are four hidden items.

Click on the Silver Whistle for the Goalie Helmet. This item is 300 coins.

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Click the Hockey Stick for the Goalie Hockey Stick. This item is 300 coins.

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Click the figure skater’s beak for the Snowy Sky Dress. This body item is 450 coins.

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Click The Twizzle wig for the Free Skate Wig. This head item is 350 coins.

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What is your favourite sport?

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Waffledude (@waffledudecp)

Waffledude (@waffledudecp)

Basketball certainly, but winter sport snowboarding huh






I think they won’t update the stadium because of its new design, they would have to make a whole new design for the Ice Rink.

I think its stupid they would not update it. If they are going to redesign the stadium, you have gotta redesign the ice rink. They come in a package together.



I don’t like the new design anyway.
Be nice to have the regular ice rink back.



Soccer, though I really wish to try Baseball as well.



Personally, Dodgeball is my favourite sport. Besides Rounders, it’s the only sport I’m good at… xP

Out of interest, why do Americans call Football Soccer? Surely Football makes more sense, because you are kicking a ball with your foot.
It also makes things a bit more confusing; if an English person (or someone who isn’t American) says Football, then Americans think that they mean American Football, which is a completely different sport! :P



I have absolutely no idea why we call it soccer.



thanks my sister will like the snowy sky dress!