Club Penguin Blog: Best of 2014 – Favorite Party

By / December 30, 2014

Today Megg already asked us for our favourite items and music, and now she wants us to know our favourite party! Why’s it being rushed, why couldn’t they start asking us sooner rather than three times in a single day? :S Maybe this is why…hehe.

Anyway, here’s Megg’s blog post:

Wow, only one more day until we begin a new year filled with new adventures. And of course, only one more day until the release of our Best of 2014 Mashup video!

Ready for our last question? Before I ask, here are some comments from our previous post about your favourite song of 2014:

Spooky: My fave song of 2014 was Best Day Ever, as it taught me that anything is possible , even the best day ever.

Penguincam04: Mine was “Rock The Boat” during the Music Jam! DROP DOWN THE BEAT! XD

Spark2207: Gotta be The Puffle Shuffle from the end of We Wish You A Merry Walrus. This song has 2 of my favourite things on CP: Cadence, And Puffles.


Alright! Now let’s hear it – what was your, could not get enough of-wish it lasted longer-all-time favorite party of 2014?

Waddle on,

-Club Penguin Team

We all LOVED the music jam, right fellas?!

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007 Bond 50

007 Bond 50

Were any of the parties better than the Music Jam? oh wait…..



Umm yeah, the Merry Walrus Party, duh!



Of course I did Trainman.

My favorite party was the Music Jam! Oh sorry what? I thought it was a Best of 2011 mashup video.

Starfire (•—•) (@thatstaronfire)

Starfire (•—•) (@thatstaronfire)

Oh yes, we LOVED the Music Jam!

The only party I really enjoyed this year was the Prehistoric Party.



Heck yeah! We loved Music Jam! But my favorite party was The Fair, I loved the rollercoaster :)

Enb 11

Enb 11




The fair was the best

Dinholuis CP

Dinholuis CP

I Loved The Fair !



Halloween Party was the best especially the part where Skip turns out to be the ghost who haunts the puffle hotel.



To answer your question about the rush of the posts:

Due to the holidays and posting about Coins for Change and the Merry Walrus we were on a pretty tight schedule for the Best of posts. We wanted to give them more time but unfortunately were unable too. That doesn’t change how epic the video is going to be :D

We are also aware of how much all of you LOVED the Music Jam ;)



Fair enough! I look forward to seeing the video.



I can’t wait to see the video because they’re gonna show all the parties and they will see that all the parties are amazing and that the only one that sucked was Merry Walrus Party LOL

007 Bond 50

007 Bond 50

Great! l’m glad the CP staff is contacting the Community.

penguin 5143

penguin 5143

i’ll pick THE PIRATE PARTY but some likes the music jam,srry Train



PENGUIN CUP! Or The Fair… maybe Halloween Party.

The Music Jam sucked.



My opinions on 2014
Prehistoric party: wasn’t there :(
The fair: also wasn’t there :(
Muppets takeover: again wasn’t there :(
Puffle party: my return to CP was greeted with this epic party! :D
Future party: it was OK it could improve
Penguin cup: (MY PERSONAL FAVE OF 2014!! :D )
Music jam:I LOVED it ;)
Frozen party: pretty enjoyable ( for a guy who hates frozen ;) )
School/skate party: I was in the hospital before this ;) / also pretty good
Halloween party: also one of the best parties! ( the full island was finally decorated )
Pirate party: I loved the battle feature ( reminded me of Star Wars party! )
Merry walrus party: holiday party 2013 was better, enough said



In my opinion, I love the Fair most because I’m a Fairfan!



Funny Hat Week :P

luis ver

luis ver

The only reason i support you in the Music Jam thing was cuz i finally met Penguin Band in that party, that was my big success in 2014, since i looked for them 3 years. BUT my favorite party was Puffle Party, the rest of the parties (before october) were terribly lame.

Jack 55588

Jack 55588

I’m asmuing that last comment on the post about we all loved the Music Jam was sarcasam? I absolutely hated it. I mean what the heck has a boat got to do with music? Oh, and I thought the performances would bring back up the joy of past Music Jams, but no, they add in some stupid Disney characters that hardly anyone even knows about. The best performance there was the Gotta Have a Wingman Remix, but still the party was pretty stupid.

The only good and enjoyable things about that party that I could care about was meeting the Penguin Band, the new upgraded DJ3K – Sound Studio and the day and night cycle. Everything else was my worst nightmare.



Yup, that was sarcasm.



Prehistoric party: i don’t even remember it



Yeah, it feels like it happened ages ago…. *ba dum tss*