Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!
Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their forty fifth update week of 2014. This week contains a moderate amount of updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:
- November 2014 Penguin Style
- Club Penguin Times Issue 472
- As always there will likely be a new EPF message on your spy phone later in the day
If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates.
- Get the items on clearance in the October 2014 Penguin Style
- Complete the Halloween Party quest and collect all available items
Posts related to tonight’s updates include:
- None
Trainman, look, “Онлайн-игры”
“На данный момент игра доступна на двух платформах: онлайн-портал и мобильное приложение «Клуб пингвинов» для iOs. В ноябре 2014 года игра также вышла в Google Play”
The game is available on two platforms: the online portal and mobile application “Club Penguin” for iOs. In November 2014 the game was also released on Google Play
Good find! Thank you!
-PhineAs FlYnN
As an Ultimate, no… I haven’t!
It already updatwd
The new catalog is already out.
They updated earlier, smh, I couldn’t get the items or the ghost puffle :( bummed out.