On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 28

By / November 28, 2014

On the 28th of November there have been updates in 2008 and 2013. In 2008 there was a new sports catalogue and in 2013 there was a new pin and update to Operation Puffle.

The sports catalogue released in November 2008 was Club Penguin’s seventh one. Because it was getting colder in continents such as North America and Europe Club Penguin added some new ice skating and hockey items to the catalogue. This is something they do every year in November or December.


On the other hand there was a new pin in 2013. It was the Medic Puffle Pin and was Club Penguin’s 260th pin. It was hidden at the Dance Lounge and was the eighth pin to be hidden in that room. The other update in 2013 was for Operation Puffle. Penguins could now rescue the White Puffle by chasing them in the special Puffle Chase game. Once done with the task members could get the free Snow Goggles and Arctic Camouflage Suit items.


Want to see and learn more? Check out these pages about the topics mentioned above.

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i just realized we don’t have the ice rink yet this year, when does it usually come? when winter starts?

I've Got No Name

I've Got No Name

Trainman, why don’t you do the back side of the Club Penguin Times?



The front is the most important.



Have you seen the new login screen yet?



“It was the Medic Pin and was Club Penguin’s 260th pin.” You missed the word “Puffle” in the “Medic Pin” part.



Oops! Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed!