Updated – What’s He Up To?
If you go to Herbert P. Bear’s website you’ll see that it has been updated once again! You can see a picture of his lair and inside it is a table with what appears to be a dismantled periscope along with blueprints for a robotic crab and a mug that says #1 Party Pooper.
Based on the clues I think Herbert may be causing some trouble later this month at the Pirate Party…
Thanks Trazer!
Hello Trainman1405!
Maybe, the Pirate Crabs are Robot Pirate Crabs!
What do you think?
Waddle On!
This robotic crab is most likely to be the crab boss we defeat in the party with special swords. The party will most likely have an embedded EPF plot in it, like The Great Snow Race. There would be a fun quest to do, along with the EPF challenge. With all of these clues and theories, this is likely to be a great party a bit like the Halloween party but better.
the plot thickens
On the Membership page it said something about fighting pirate crabs. I think Herbert might be the cause of it
I miss that old cave! :(
It looks like a submarine!
i think ur right! cuz it looks like theres gonna be some underwater stuff at the pirate party
i miss herbert, we haven’t heard of him long time ago, i hope he comes back
I think that Herbert might be actually doing two things! Either implanting the crabs with cybernetic chips (making them cyborgs) or just making plain robots witch is probably what he is going to do. I think Cp just wants to give us a hint that Herbert will always appear in November, even if the party isn’t about them. Trainman please respond to this. Share your thoughts!
I like that theory! That’s clever and outside the box.
DJ Stores, you’re right. Enough said.