Club Penguin Wants To Know How You Envision Rockhopper Island

By / November 12, 2014

The Club Penguin Team wants to know what you think Rockhopper Island looks like! Today on the blog Polo Field made a post asking what you think it looks like, and to draw it and submit it as fan art. Here is his post with everything you need to know:

Hey everyone!

Rockhopper Island has always been a mysterious place. And so far only Rockhopper and Yarr have ever visited the island.

So we want to know, what do you think Rockhopper Island looks like?

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 5.18.53 PM

Send us your drawings of what you think Rockhopper Island looks like by submitting them on our Fan Art page.

Make sure you include ‘Rockhopper Island’ in the name of your file, so we can easily find it. (Example: RockhopperIsland_YourPenguinName.jpg)

I’m definitely not going to draw it since my art skills are extremely bad…but I imagine lots of sand, palm trees, Red Puffles, and a few hundred barrels of cream soda spread out across the island. ;)

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Omg I knew rockhopper island was coming. Finally Club Penguin announces Rockhopper Island. In August Polo Field announced it to me personally in Ask Polo



It would suck if this isn’t an announcement :/



hahaha. olha só como o club penguin esta sem idéia. Ele definiram como é a ilha e ainda nem tem ela desenhada.. decepicionado com o CP atual.. :/



Hahaha. Just look like Club Penguin this without ideas and creativity. They defined as the island was and still are not designed or ready… They wait for the imagination of a penguin who designs that a baby without offense to ‘build it’ the island rockhopper ¬¬. I’d love to send a design, but it would not have the grace that each has his way to see the island. So it was better if the original turning descriptions easy on several sources of CP… Disappointed with the current occ… : /



Hahaha. Just look like Club Penguin are without ideas and creativity. They defined as the island was and still are not designed or ready… They wait for the imagination of a penguin who designs that a baby without offense to ‘build it’ the island rockhopper ¬¬. I’d love to send a design, but it would not have the grace that each has his way to see the island. So it was better if the original turning descriptions easy on several sources of CP… Disappointed with the current CP… : / too.