Club Penguin Star Wars Rebels Takeover Coming January 2015
Club Penguin hasn’t even announced the December party on the blog (even though it’s obvious) however they’ve gone ahead and announced the party coming to the game in January 2015! It is another Star Wars Takeover. This time it is a Star Wars Rebels Takeover. For those who don’t know, Star Wars Rebels is the new Star Wars television show airing Monday nights on Disney XD. Here is Megg’s post:
Hi penguins!
I know, I know, it’s not even December yet… but I am so excited about the parties coming next year — I just can’t wait to tell you about them!
For example, in January we’re going to join the rebellion and fight back against the dark side. Any guesses what the party might be? ;)
YEP! It’s going to be a Star Wars Rebels™ Takeover. We’ll be posting a sneak peek at the beginning of January — so stay tuned.
If you’ve seen the show, let us know who your favorite character is and what you like best about them!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
Don’t judge a book by its cover! It’s not going to be a rehash of the July 2013 Star Wars Takeover.
OMG i loved the Star Wars takeover, but other is coming YAY!
Uuuh, I would kinda like an “Empire Strikes Back” takeover better
My gosh I almost passed out when I saw and logged on onto the Star Wars party. The reason I almost fainted was because I never saw it before on the log on screen. That was the time I “Quit club penguin” any hoo, I hope it’s not going to be one thing per day, but at least 110 quests in the party which would mean 5-7 quests in the party. Sounds crazy I know but when you think about it, Seven quests per day isn’t a lot. I am a Big Star Wars fan like, big! When Padawan menace came out, I woke up and bought tickets to the earliest showing. The point of this is, I don’t want one or two things to do per day, I want a lot like seven. Like one day you’d go to corasaunt undercover and then infiltrate agent kalos’s ship to get a shipment of carbonate grenades to stop him from selling it. There are a lot of possibilities with this party. I just don’t want them to screw it up.
Umm, I have mixed feelings
That series is ruining the wonderful SW Universe!!!!!!
The main character has a light slingshot!! You know how this is ridiculous??
I have mixed feelings about this… It will just be one of those things where members get to do EVERYTHING.
Well technically members always get to do everything. :p
This is going to be awesome
My membership expires in January. At least i will get the clothing in this Party :(
Definitely wantan “Empire Strikes Back” takeover because the series take place 5 years before A New Hope< which doesn't make sense!? Also, they should do "The Force Awakens" for December 2015 instead of January.
Would’ve preferred a takeover about an original movie from the Star Wars series than 2 weeks of advertising for a rip-off of a good movie. :P
Though I would be ok with another Prehistoric Party, because even though the first 2 were pretty mediocre, it’s still about 20X better than any kind of takeover.
Another fighting party.
Awh no! I’ve already planned out my party calendar for 2015 and I wanted a Future Party to occur in January 2014 while the Star Wars Takeover to be a combination of Star Wars Takeover and the Pirate Party 2014; Star Wars Takeover 2015: EmPercival and the Pirates Strike Back to occur in July 2015.
Basically, I wanted it to be some sort of a “Treasure Planet Takeover” where Darth Herbert returns and enslaves this time, pirate crabs into stormtroopers. Rockhopper would upgrade the Migrator to the Migrenium Falcon and we’d be able to travel other planets to stop the invasion of Crab-troopers.
I just hope they do something special in the 10th anniversary party…
They will probably repeat the rooms’ decorations…
Trainman what about this
January 2015 Winter Fiesta
February 2015 Puffle Party
March 2015 St patrick day party
April 2015 April fools party and earth day
May 2015 Medieval Party
June 2015 adventure party
July 2015 music jam
August 2015 summer party
September 2015 the fair
October 2015 10 anniversary party and halloween party
November 2015 thanksgiving party
December 2015 holiday party and coin for change
I would love another Winter Fiesta!
A Thanksgiving party would be boring in Club Penguin, and not everyone celebrates it. But I do, so happy Thanksgiving to everyone that does!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Canadian… Thanksgiving in October… Plus all holidays are a no and also winter fiesta because of the world’s season differences.
+ summer
I almost died when I saw that we would be having a takeover. At least it would be using the 2014 style, it’s cuter.
Cool and amazing that Star Wars will be back but…… “Rebels”? I think a LOT of penguins agree that they should do the takeover about one of the movies like “Empire Strikes Back” or something… anyway is CP’s choice.
I’m kind of excited, if the party isn’t mainly focused on Rebels.
Unfortunately, it is mainly focused on Rebels, hence the name, Star Wars Rebels Takeover.
Disgusted. I don’t even look foward to CP parties anymore. Very disgusting.
Eh… Not really liking the show so far, but hopefully this will be good.
For the LAST TIME. We DON’T want another TAKEOVER! More original parties please!
They should have just continued the saga and there better be a good amount of Decorations like the last Star Wars Party or I just give up on how Spike Hike is running the company.
I Like ezra
I’m not a fan, but I’m sure others are excited! I prefer original parties that make the game unique, but I can handle one takeover.
i wonder witch mascot will be at this party
I think Herbert, he didn’t appeared at all this year
Rebels? Why Spike WHY?!! NOO!!! I will only agree if we get old item back and here is the storyline: Inquister(Herbert) will attack CP Erza Bridger,Hera Zyndulla, Sabine Wren, Zeb will protect the island featuring no Death Star no Lightsabers No Obi-Wan means NO Sensei No Skywalkers No R2-D2 No Darth Vader *screams like Darth Vader* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Original Trilogy is your father Rebels!
so your saying no star wars in this party……
My favorite show!
I like The Chopper because when i first saw him on Angry Birds Rebels,his move was so O.P.
Another Star Wars takeover? Disney really are making the most of their new-found rights… Ah well, it’ll be interesting to see how they’re going to do this; I think I’m correct in saying this is only the second repeat takeover, so they must have something good up their sleeve. :-)
This is my 2015 schedule.
January: Star Wars Rebels Takeover 2015
February: Hollywood Party 2015
March: Puffle Party 2015
April: Festival Of Flight 2015
May: Marvel Super Hero Takeover 2015 (Avengers 2 comes out May 1st)
June: Card Jitsu Party 2015 with Card Jitsu Shadow
July: Summer Party 2015
August: Adventure Party 2015
September: Medieval Party 2015
October: Halloween Party 2015
November: Operation Melt (herbert tries to melt Club Penguin idk)
December: Holiday Party 2015
Yes you are right in may 2015 the shadow card jitsu will release in this year :)
Why there should be a better party because 1. the star wars party last time was stupid so why do another even stupider party
YAY!!! A great year start
New starwars movie coming out = Musical (We are talking about Disney here!) I am not looking forward, but still excited!
cant wait but my memebership will expire in 14 days and do u know when da party will start?
Probably January 21st, or possibly the 14th.