September 2014 Furniture & Igloo Catalogue Released

By / September 11, 2014

An updated version of Club Penguin’s furniture & igloo catalogue has been released for the month of September! This is their ninth furniture and igloo catalogue of 2014. This month’s new items are mostly school themed. I am surprised Club Penguin did not bring back any skate related furniture.

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Table of Contents:


Here are the new pages of furniture this month.

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Here are the hidden items:

Click the bookshelf for the Funky Bookshelf. This furniture item is 550 coins each.

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Click the green chair on the right for the Scoop Chair. This item is 650 coins each.

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Click the Inner Tube for the Diving Board. This furniture item is 100 coins each. Thanks Loo978!

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New this month is the Sharks’ Gym. It is 1,500 coins can can be purchased if you are a member.

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The Magical Hideout Igloo (1,500 coins) and the Split Level Snow Igloo (4,600 coins) have also returned this month.

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The following pages have been updated:

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:O they brought back the inflatable furniture



Awwwww, I forgot that yesterday was 9/11 WAHHHH btw love ur cheats and can I use them for my youtube if igve u credit?



Sure :)