On This Day In Club Penguin History – September 8
September 8th in Club Penguin History takes us back to two different years, 2006 and 2011. In 2006 the Split Level Igloo (the blue one) was released. It cost 4,600 coins, a price that has remained the same for this item. Overall though, I feel like the price of igloos has gone down. Years ago new igloos were always 2,500 – 5,000 coins. Nowadays new igloos are either free or under 2,500 coins. There was no new furniture catalogue – it was released a week later, so stay tuned for the post on that!
In 2011 there were many more updates than in 2006. Club Penguin was getting ready to release their Puffle Launch application for iOS so they added a login screen, a mobile apps page, and also released a Puffle Launch app trailer to advertise it. The homepage was also updated to advertise the upcoming release of the app. The app was released a week later on September 15th and the Android version was released several weeks after that.
In the virtual world itself Club Penguin released the Balloon Bunch Pin in the Forest. The September 2011 Furniture Catalogue was also released with many Fair related items.
Want to see and learn more? Check out these pages about the topics mentioned above.
im so glad this posts are back
Me too :)
but they’re so much work for you, how?
Copy/pasting ones I made last year and making minor edits. :P It’s writing ones for days I haven’t yet that takes the most time.