The Iceberg On Club Penguin Can Really Be Tipped
Lately penguins have taken a huge interest in tipping the iceberg. Some say you can, other say you can’t. As it turns out, the iceberg can be tipped a little bit on mobile devices – and I’ve got photographic evidence thanks to Azerty15.
Check out the GIF image I made with two different images Azerty took.
There’s no denying it that the iceberg does tip a little bit to one side. It’s something. Maybe not the kind of tipping penguins were expecting, such as this popular edit that has existed for years:
Tipping the iceberg completely or mostly underwater is likely impossible, or if possible, would take a huge amount of effort. Remember, only 10% of an iceberg is above water. The rest of the iceberg is under the water, like so:
Regardless, even the fact that the iceberg moves just a little bit is exciting. Do you think there is anything under the iceberg?
i made a video (not advertising lol) about if the iceberg can tip if it was in real life… sadly the answer was no since the amount of penguins in a room is limitive… but if it was in real life the iceberg would melt eventauly due to the amount of trees on the cp map
A lot of people are using logic like the iceberg is only showing 10 percent of itself above the water, BUT you have to remember- at the Prehistoric Party 2013 we actually discovered the iceberg is not an iceberg- it is a frozen dinosaur. So all we have to do is tip the frozen dinosaur.
That is true, I forgot about that. However, there can still be ice beneath the shark/frozen dino, meaning the shark is trapped in the middle of it.
And you can see the white underneath the iceberg on mobile and how it goes far down.
oh yea it was a shark. lol. Also maybe we could use the aqua grabber thingy to break the ice underneath lol
The Shark escaped into CP 2014, so if we tip, the Shark will eat the penguins
On the picture Train sent, the shark wasn’t really frozen. The tail of the shark was kinds not in the iceberg as you can see at the picture, and while the party was going on, the shark was closing its’ eyes and moving its’ tail every few minutes. My guess is that the iceberg is really an iceberg and not the shark in it. I could be wrong, so.
For no one resa that the icebored did not fell in the lack but now right idk what to sat O_o
I know this sounds bad but i really want the giant shark to get out and be swimming around XD It wont harm anything of course but it could like smash stuff and we have to fix it and put the shark in like a tank or something that would be great XD It was still there after the party in the water wasn’t it? Wasn’t there a fin or something?
[…] (Credit to Azerty15 and Trainman1405) […]