Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!

By / August 19, 2014

Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their thirty fourth update week of 2014. This week contains some major updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:

  • New Pin
  • Frozen Party 2014
  • Club Penguin Times Issue 461
  • As always there will likely be a new EPF message on your spy phone later in the day

If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates:

Posts related to tonight’s updates include:

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What about the club penguin app?

luis ver

luis ver

Polo say there will be a mascot at frozen party be he said it was surprise

Gary Louis 9

Gary Louis 9

First comment- and I hope the Frozen Party will be good!



col <3 <3



I was gonna say! I was like “Okay where the heck is this new pin?” I thought it was just me that had that bug at first. Woo 34th update of 2014. I wonder what update of all CP time? O.o
OK BYE (That pun on frozen was not intended but wowwww…)

are you gonna do a frozen roundup?

Pin Aranha

Pin Aranha




what time will the updates be done and frozen party be ready to go on??

Bubsey Good

Bubsey Good

You need to update the “parties” section of your website for 2014 parties.

did you realize that the stadium was changed permanently?