Igloo Music Updated – August 2014

By / August 20, 2014

Many of us expected Club Penguin to update the igloo music last week when they released a new furniture and igloo catalogue, however that was not the case! Instead the new igloo music has been released with tonight’s updates. It definitely has a Christmasy spin to it. Here are the current tracks:

Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 11.10.08 PM

Which new igloo song is your favourite? I really like In The Summer, even though it definitely doesn’t sound that Summery lol.

Thanks Riyita!

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Charlie the Penguin

Charlie the Penguin

I need to save the “Palace of the Ice Crystals” song for my Frost Bite Palace igloo in December.

Enb 11

Enb 11

The Palace of Ice Crystals is, in my opinion, the best track CP ever made. It is strangely emotional for me.



Same here! I get those weird tingles o.o

Gary Louis 9

Gary Louis 9

Frozen Wonder

luis ver

luis ver

can someone pass me swf link of The Palace of Crystals?(i bet it is the music from the dock in holiday 2012)