Last Week’s Penguin of the Week: Jd Ryan
On Friday Daffodaily5 posted a new Penguin of the Week on Club Penguin’s blog like usual. The POTW this time around is Jd Ryan. Here is what Daffo said about this penguin:
Congrats to Jd Ryan! He’s been an avid player since 2006, he’s a great game expert and loves to help out the community with his extensive knowledge. Also, how can I forget to mention how kind and polite he is! Ace :)
Good job Jd! It’s always nice to see old penguins still playing the game. I like your igloo is celebrating both Christmas and Halloween!
If there is a penguin you would like to nominate for Penguin of the Week you can do so by emailing or commenting on Club Penguin’s blog. Make sure you include the penguin’s name and reason why they should be picked.
The following page has been updated:
I also find it nice to see old penguins playing. Which reminds me, you should consider changing your outfit.
Never! ;p
Club Penguin uploaded a video to their YouTube channel named: Club Penguin: Sabrina Carpenter on Music Jam 2014 – Disney Channel’s Game On.
Yes, I am aware. Thanks though. :)
No problem.