Club Penguin Bringing Sled Racing and new app “Puffle Wild” to the App Store

By / July 27, 2014

Today I have been supplied a lot more Club Penguin mobile related information by V0rtex, a highly reliable and accurate source for exclusives in the past. This time he has told me Club Penguin will be releasing two new apps on the App Store soon. The upcoming new apps are Sled Racing and a brand new game called Puffle Wild. You may recall that back in May Polo Field said on Club Penguin that the team was working on a new app. As it turns out, they are working on two! The first one, Sled Racing, has already been submitted to Apple and approved. You cannot download it yet, but you will be able to from this iTunes link once it is released. Currently if you click the link it will just say it is not available on the iTunes store. Sled Racing will likely (or at least I hope) be multiplayer just like on regular desktop Club Penguin. Maybe it will have Game Center incorporated so you can challenge your friends?

The second app, Puffle Wild, will also be new. Nothing is known about this app yet other than it is Puffle related I would imagine that it will be out within the next two months, however I cannot say for sure. I do not have any pictures of either application, however I do have a picture of the two app icons. Puffle Wild is on the left and Sled racing is on the right.


I think these will be exclusive to iOS but could be wrong. I would imagine they will work on the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. What do you think Puffle Wild will be like? Could it be something like Candy Crush but with Puffles? Also note that there’s a Unicorn Puffle on the app icon…

Thanks again V0rtex!

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Collin (@Hyper_Field)

Collin (@Hyper_Field)




Omg, it’s amazing



sled racing? They should just add the room and game to the Club penguin app.



I know right!



The unicorn could be a part of exclusive prize or .. Just a hat or .. Just something else .. Like a wild/magical puffle



It looks like Puffle Wild will be an app where you dress up Puffles.



Maybe in the sled app,its a 3D third-person view version of the original sled race game!



Hmmm….. Iif it was the normal Sled Racing they would just add it on My Penguin. It could be…..
1. It is a different kind of Sled Racing game which is better (Though they should just add both the games puffle wild and sled racing in My Penguin)
2. They want to have more apps than one. (Though they deleted The Pufffle Launch app which i still have on my iPad)
This is really exciting and i cant wait to get these on my Father’s iPad 2! (Or my iPad 1 using your workaround thanks for it by the way)



You’re welcome :)



I have a feeling that puffle game will be like Candy Crush in some way. There are different puffle o’s which can be the different types of candy.



oh wait u said it already lol

Mr Perry P

Mr Perry P

Hmm, interesting I remember asking Polo Field once at a party on My Penguin (Club Penguin App, I still call it My Penguin Xp) if there was going to be a unicorn Puffle, he said that “You never know you may get it on an app or something in the near future”. I guess by playing Puffle Wild you earn points and a bit like the fair, earn prizes for your penguin and save up for the unicorn Puffle and other items such as: Puffle hats, Puffle clothing items, extreme Puffle O’s (the ones with hot sauce on) and actual Puffles. I’m guessing, judging on the app icon if it relates to games such as Bejewled Blitz, Candy Crush saga etc as in the icon you see Puffle O’s and other food things or extras which could mean it is a game with similarities to the games I mentioned earlier but with a Disney Club Penguin twist, hope you like my theory Train.



I need a iPad :(



Maybe sled racing will look a bit like Angry Birds Go! and by judging the berries on the icon, a safe bet would be a Candy Crush/Bejeweled type of game.






Puffle Wild looks boring, and it seems to be suitable for younger kids. But, Sled Racing could’ve just been in the Club Penguin App instead.



I want puffle wild