Penguin of the Week: Rosytilly
Friday means a new Penguin of the Week is posted by Daffodaily! This week’s featured penguin is Rosytilly. This is what Daffo had to say about her:
This week, the winner of the Penguin of the Week goes to the wonderful Rosytilly. She’s such a kind and helpful member of the penguin community, and her positivity is contagious! She’s also FAB at giving good advice and cheering you up if you’re feeling a bit glum! Also, how cute is that butterfly in her hair?! Loooooving your style, Rosytilly! :)
As a result of her kindness Rosytilly received 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week Background. If there is a penguin you would like to nominate for Penguin of the Week you can do so by emailing or commenting on Club Penguin’s blog. Make sure you include the penguin’s name and reason why they should be picked.
The following page has been updated:
dont forget about the aunt artic meet ups :)
Trainman. Why the downtime?
The website host rebooted the server which messed up things. I had to wait for a friend to come online and fix it.
Hi train sorry about your birthday we missed happy late birthday train
You have to update the newspaper section. It hasn’t been updating since autumn 2013. :/
Train, have you posted the answers to Ask Trainman yet? If so, can you provide me a link as I can’t find it. Thanks!
Trainman why arent there any mascots for the Penguin Cup Party 2014?
Plz check out my blog :
and btw did you post anything about “New Electric Guitar Sounds”?
When will you finish the Ask Trainman post?
i feel like i know her from somewhere but i cant remember maybe it was from from a club penguin youtube channel
i think she has the second most igloo likes the most belonging to Mo Power
Well done rosy!
You have really earned it!
99ruby2 :)