Future Party Logoff Screen – A Forgotten Club Penguin Villain Emerges…

Club Penguin has added a log off screen for the Future Party and wow it looks awesome! If you look at the image you will see penguins in robotic spaceships fighting Protobot, who we have not seen since last year! Oh no! What is he up to? The party starts May 22nd and ends June 3rd.


Thanks Gatuti789!

16 thoughts on “Future Party Logoff Screen – A Forgotten Club Penguin Villain Emerges…

  1. (hi train man I have a cheat. If u wanna get access to the new play you hit the stage button ( on EPF phone and before u get there hit the newspaper then u are in the play

  2. future party makes sense robots are taking over the world in the future protobot this should be good

  3. He is going to what do you call it, steal Garys time machine, which is right now being poorly protected by rookie. Then some how takeover the island.

  4. My Idea:

    Robots steal Gary’s time machine and go to the future to find the upgraded Protobot and he is huge and has upgraded his armor. Then he comes to Club Penguin to invade.

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