May 2014 Furniture & Igloo Catalogue Released

By / May 14, 2014

Club Penguin’s new furniture & igloo catalogue has been released! This is their fifth furniture and igloo catalogue of 2014. It is for the month of May. This month’s new items are space and future themed.

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Table of Contents:


Here are the new pages of furniture this month.

Page one has the Holo-projector, Starship Console, Galactic Pod Chair, Galactic Pod Couch, Rocketship Lava lamp, and Futura Stool.

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Page two has the Planet Lamp, Futura Table, Cinema Pod, Space Age Lights, UFO, Force Field, and Containment Cell.

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Page three has the Spaceship, Earth, Mars, DJ Booth, and Full Moon items.

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Here are the hidden items:

Click the Rocketship Lava Lamp for the Crystals. They are 550 coins.

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Click the UFO for the Swamp Slime. This furniture item is 230 coins.

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Click the Spaceship for Laster Lights. This item is 145 coins each.

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There is a new page at the beginning of the catalogue telling you how to make the most of your furniture.

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There is a new Distant Planet Igloo Background for 1,800 coins.

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There is a new Space Dome Igloo for 2,000 coins.

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The igloo flooring has been updated!

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As for hidden igloos and igloo flooring, here are the cheats:

Depending on what language you are playing Club Penguin in, the Puffle Stage (300 coins) will be hidden in a different spot. In English servers it’s on the line between the two pages of igloo flooring.

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But in Portuguese servers it’s located on a furniture item. I wonder why it is different?

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Click the Sunny Sky Floor for the Terracotta Tile flooring. It is 680 coins.

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The following pages have been updated:

Leave a Reply to Pinkzee1 ._. (@Pinkzee1CP)Cancel reply



It’s strange that the same thing is hidden in different spots. Do you tried finding the Puffle Stage in the same spot in English and Portuguese servers?




Lance Jin

Lance Jin

Finally, good and inexpensive furniture xD



Haha. :P

Pinkzee1 ._. (@Pinkzee1CP)

Pinkzee1 ._. (@Pinkzee1CP)

Yessh but they’re so tiny :x



That’s how all furniture was in old CP!



How do you do the thing where you click on the link to view a certain part of the post because i want to do it on my blog =)