Club Penguin Updates Website On Mobile

By / May 29, 2014

While this update actually happened a month and a half ago, I wanted to point out to everyone that Club Penguin updated their website on mobile devices with a much better look. It advertises the Club Penguin app and also has a menu in the top right corner with links to the blog and membership amongst other things. The main page:


The main page with the menu displaying with links for the homepage, blog, membership, and visiting the full website.


You can read the blog on mobile by tapping the post titles.


The membership page on mobile:


While I’m sure most people with an iOS device use Club Penguin’s app and don’t visit from their phone’s web browser, it is still a useful update, especially if your mobile device runs Android or another mobile operating system since previously you could not do things like read the blog on mobile.

A huge thanks goes out to Sms8 for telling me about this update and sending pictures for me to use!

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CPGreitasis LTU

CPGreitasis LTU

Come on! How long it will take to make for Android??!! D:
It’s ot funny anymore! We Android users waited SO long for a realese* for Android, but STILL not for Android!! ;C

CPGreitasis LTU

CPGreitasis LTU


Mr Perry p

Mr Perry p

Well see if you can develop an app exactly like club penguin and release it! CP are trying there best, android apps are hard to make.



I know! I thought they said it would be out 1-2 months after iOS…



Looks great!

Mr Perry P

Mr Perry P

I thought you knew about this ages ago, but just decided not to bother posting about it xD



I dont see any of the updates…