Minor Club Penguin Updates: Pay Day, Rockhopper, Postcards, and More

By / April 3, 2014

Along with Club Penguin’s big updates today such as a new Penguin Style catalogue and pin there have also been some smaller updates this week such as Rockhopper being closed in the telescope and the postcards being updated.

On Tuesday all EPF agents received their paycheck of 350 coins and all tour guides received their paycheck of 250 coins.

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The featured postcards have been updated. Now the three listed are Puffle Performance, Turn Green, and Cool Puffles.

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Rockhopper is closer in the telescope now. He will be arriving on Thursday, April 10th.

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Club Penguin also updated their homepage and added a login and logoff screen advertising the upcoming new Puffles and Puffle Park. It looks like the new Puffles will be able to dig up special items and coins.


That’s all for this week! If you spot any more minor Club Penguin updates feel free to let me know.

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luis ver

luis ver

I thought Rockhopper would stay another nine months in the sea again, im so happy that he came in short time after the holiday party :D!!

The cake of doom

The cake of doom

Well duh he did find the dog and cat puffles. p.s sorry I said duh okay?

Turbo Tankz

Turbo Tankz

New minor update no one posted about yet: prntscr.com/36oh6m. Credits please if posting about. Thanks and you’re welcome. :)



You can now open the Furniture & Igloo Catalog from the Igloo (button above the backyard button). ;)



When you finish a game, the screen that shows you how many coins and stamps you got is COMPLETELY different!



you know that the log out image is on the twitter AND Youtube page



Maybe in next years Puffle Party there might be parrot or mouse puffles who knows!