Club Penguin’s App Comes To iPhone and iPod Touch; Adds Puffles

By / April 18, 2014

It’s finally here! Club Penguin now works on 4th and 5th generation iPod Touches and also the iPhone 4 and newer! In addition to working on smaller devices the app also now has some new rooms and also lets you adopt a Puffle and take care of it. I’m not going to go into full detail about all of the updates, bit here’s a quick image of the app running on my iPod Touch. It’s exactly the same as it is on the iPad but scaled down to fit the smaller screen. It’s a little laggy on older devices but that is to be expected.


Congratulations to the Club Penguin App team on another big launch! The app just keep getting better and better! I’m sure the Android community can’t wait until they can get the application on their devices. There is no set release date yet but I’m sure they are working on getting it finished as soon as possible!

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Man, I hope it comes to Android soon!



Hey Train, do you have any idea where you transform into your puffle? This is the first time CP’s got me confused.



Hey Train, I just thought of something. The Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection will be disabled very soon! I think its April 23. That will make the Game Day stamps unobtainable, like the Mission stamps! Maybe you should make a post telling people if they have the game to earn the stamps quick?

K 20 10 2

K 20 10 2

592 coins….lol x)



Hey Train,

Just wanted to know that are there any items exclusive to this app only? Cause, my iPhone has been sent for repair and it is expected that I’ll get it after a few weeks.




Nope not right now.

Huko2 (You Know Who I Am)

Huko2 (You Know Who I Am)

Awesome! Gotta update on my iPad, Download on my iPod Touch get it on my Mom’s iPhone (Backup) And i’m waiting for it to launch on Android, When it does i’ll get it on my Android Phone too! :-D

New Rohan

New Rohan

You only have 592 coins? :P



Yup, I’m a poor penguin. x]



Btw, pin tracker =snow forts.



I mean school sorry.

Anti-iPad Casto

Anti-iPad Casto

iPad User: Hooray! I got club penguin on my tab!
iPhone User: Yaaaay! Finally!
Patient android user: Club Penguin will arrive on android…maybe in 3000 years.
Me: I got a cool device. BUT I CANT WAIT 30 YEARS FOR THIS THING!



I can’t believe it Train, I’ve been waiting for years for a CP app on iPod touch and after one hour of playing on the app, my iPod touch broke :-(



Yikes, I’m sorry to hear that!

luis ver

luis ver

Train, is the app avaliable to all countries?



I think so.


Pingui 2045

Pingui 2045

Hey trainman! I will go off topic here. Have you got the “Atahualpa Theme” coded for Blogger? If so could you please tell me where can I get it? Thanks ;)



Nope I don’t, sorry!



Train just to let you know, I understand that you are busy with school (I am too, Im in 10th grade taking advanced classes) and you seem to be giving up on blogging. But it isn’t just blogging Train, its a great opportunity and gift that you have been given. Many people try to become successful with their blogs and can’t seem to reach enough people. You haven’t only done that, but you have exceeded all other CP blogs out there. Now you are giving up on this gift. You are missing out on an amazing opportunity. You are putting blogging behind school and behind all of the fans that adore you and you are missing out on so much potential. You don’t have to approve this comment, but please read it. I hope that once school finishes (in a few weeks or so?) that you resume blogging and take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Thanks for reading and I appreciate what you do! I know that school is first, but you must have some spare time. Try to fit it in and continue your journey.



I am! :D

Private (@Private0201)

Private (@Private0201)

Brr, one thing, Trainman said that Android will get their turn at Summer…
Man, that’s where i become a Senior High student -_-