March 2014 Furniture and Igloo Catalogue

By / March 12, 2014

Club Penguin’s new furniture & igloo catalogue has been released! This is their third furniture and igloo catalogue of 2014. It is for the month of March.

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Table of Contents:


Here are the new pages of furniture this month:

On page one there is the CP Air Seat for 75 coins, CP Air Pilot’s Chair for 100 coins, Gate Chair for 50 coins, and Elastic Barrier for 50 coins.

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On page two there is the Airport Departures Board for 150 coins and the Check-in Terminal for 100 coins.

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On page three there is the Grand Stage Arch for 300 coins, Stage Curtain for 100 coins, Theater Seat for 50 coins, and finally the Footlight Stage for 75 coins.

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There is one hidden item. Click the Designer Log Stool for the Acacia Tree. This furniture item is 350 coins.

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New this month is the CP Airliner igloo. Members can buy it to be featured on the Flights list during the Muppets World Tour party from March 20th to April 1st.

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As for hidden igloos and igloo flooring:

For the Cave Igloo click the Fish Fossil. This igloo is 1,500 coins.

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Click the Sunny Sky Floor for the Terracotta Tile flooring. It is 680 coins.

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The following pages have been updated:

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OH Great Now I have to hear Airplanes all day long! Im trying to Plot a evil plan! MWAHAHAHAHA PENGUIN FOUL FOOLDS YOU WILL NEVER GET ME!