Club Penguin’s Blog Receives Minor Cosmetic Changes

By / February 20, 2014

Club Penguin’s Blog has received a few very minor design changes today! They changed the placement and design of the buttons on the top and bottom of the blog. Here is what the top of the blog looked like before the changes:

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.26.05 AM

Here is what the top of the blog looks like now:

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.26.20 AM

The list of changes include:

  • It says “Blog – What’s New” instead of “What’s New”
  • It no longer says “current”
  • The “Current | Archives” links are now “Blog | Fun Stuff”
  • There is a light grey line

When viewing an individual blog post there is a back button on the top right.

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.25.33 AM

Finally, as mentioned before the archives button is no longer on the top right side of the blog. It’s now on the bottom left.

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.25.01 AM

If I missed anything let me know!

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Good find!

Ashan (@Ashan227)

Ashan (@Ashan227)

You made a typo in this blog. You said ”It’s not on the bottom left” instead of ”It’s now on the bottom left”.

You wrote “its not on the bottom left” instead of “it is on the bottom left”



Thanks, typo fixed!



Cosmetic energy & meditation. XD