How To Install The Club Penguin 1.3 App Update on the First Generation iPad (No Jailbreaking Required)

By / December 11, 2013

The Club Penguin 1.3 update is now out! However, those of us with the first generation iPad are unable to update the application through the app store since it’s not officially supported on the device. So what do you do? Reinstall it with a workaround! Check out my old post for the beginning instructions. You need to have iPhone Configuration Utility program installed and have the Club Penguin 1.3 update downloaded on your computer, which you can get through iTunes. You need to be able to access the app’s file from the computer, so know the folder! (file paths are in the post linked above)

First off, unfortunately you need to delete Club Penguin off the iPad if you’ve already installed a past version of the app with this workaround. That means you’ll lose your sushi and whatever other progress is saved too, so use it up before you lose it! Now open the iPhone Configuration Utility program. Just like I outlined in my original tutorial post click the “Add” button and find the Club Penguin app file. Add that. NOTE: THIS REPLACE OPTION MAY NOT POP UP, BUT IF IT DOES, JUST SKIP TO “THEN CLICK INSTALL” BELOW.

Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 1.30.29 AM

Then go to the iPad in the iPhone Configuration Utility Program. (it needs to be plugged into the computer) Look for Club Penguin and click “Uninstall”. It will say “clubpenguin.rooms.release” and not “clubpenguin.igloos.release” as shown in the image below.

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 8.46.45 AM

Then click “Install”.

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 8.45.33 AM

Once it installs Club Penguin 1.3 will be on your first Generation iPad! If you open the app and it crashes, restart your iPad or try installing it again.


Some features may not work on the first generation iPad. This is normal and unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that other than buy a newer iPad model.

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Train you showed a wrong pic of the my penguin app. That is the old my penguin app



Oops. I updated it. Thanks!



Hey,this program crash on my iMac 10.9,when i click “Install” for my iPad 1 – 5.1.1 Jailbroken the Program quit…
Can you help me?



It crashes for me on my Mac now too. I had to do it from Windows.