Recent Minor Club Penguin Updates: Rockhopper, Postcards, Puffle Digging, Brazil Magazine, and More!

Between last week and this week there have been a handful of minor Club Penguin updates. Here I’ll list all of them, starting with this week’s and working my way back in time.

First of all, there’s a new login screen, logoff screen, and homepage slide all about Captain Rockhopper and a book of potions. It’s relating to the Medieval Party, in which he says “Avast! Magic potions?” I wonder what’s up?

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The postcards are also updated. Club Penguin brought back the Medieval Party, Follow Me, Welcome, and You’re Funny postcards this time around.

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On September 1st it was Pay Day for all EPF agents and Tour Guides.

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Now for last week’s stuff. We got a new EPF message from Rookie.

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It reads:

I had a great vacation :D And rubber ducky took care of everything! It was like I wasn’t even gone O.o

…if you say so, Rookie!

Puffle Digging wise, you might notice a new thought cloud above your Puffle while walking it. It’ll pop up when your Puffle is looking for treasure. If it finds nothing an X will go over the money bag.

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Finally, Club Penguin launched a new issue of their Portuguese magazine last week. Here’s the cover:


The following page has been updated:

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