August 2013 Furniture Catalogue Released

By / August 14, 2013

This month’s furniture catalogue has been released on Club Penguin! This is their eighth furniture catalogue in 2013. The theme of the new items is for the upcoming Teen Beach party. How do you like the selection of newly added items? I think they’re awesome!

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There are many of new items on the first four pages. See for yourself!

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Here’s the hidden items:

Click the Dressing Table for the Tropical Palm item, which costs 300 coins each.

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Click the Gas Pump for the Sand Castle Arch, which costs 320 coins each.

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Click the left stool on the Big Momma’s Diner item for the Inner Tube, which costs 50 coins.

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Click the bottom right corner of the Lit Stage for the Sand Castle wall, which costs 325 coins.

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Click the Death Star for the Long Security Laser. It costs 300 coins.

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Click the Rebel House Rug for the Short Security Laser. It costs 200 coins.

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Thanks to Toniorocks for telling me the catalogue is out!

The following pages have been updated:

Leave a Reply to Trainman1405Cancel reply

first one, and trainman the catalogue looks um….different….or are you making the post? xD



I was working on the post, it’s done now. :)



Surprised they didnt put the beach ball in here :P



Can you still dig up items with your Puffle? I’ve been Puffle digging all night, and I havn’t found anything.(Except for the occasional coins)



Yes, it’s just infrequent.



My membership HAD to end on August 13th…



Surprisingly, Ross Lynch just posted on the Club Penguin Blog, aint that amazing? And he clearly says he was a fan back then… start to track down his penguin >:D