Club Penguin July 2013 Parent Update Newsletter

By / July 23, 2013

Club Penguin has sent out this month’s parent update newsletter. Unsurprisingly this one is all about the Star Wars Party! Here is the full email:

Screen Shot 2013-07-23 at 2.10.11 PM

Save the Galaxy!

Use the Force! Players can join the Rebel Alliance, find secret plans, infiltrate the Death Star, and defeat the evil Empire! Members can become a Jedi Master.

My Penguin App Exclusive Item

Members can get the exclusive costume for notorious Star Wars Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett, only in the My Penguin app until August 13!

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:O trainman has a child, as he got a PARENT newsletter :O



Totally! :P



His name on CP is Trainboy c:



ok neat! but we already know all of that!

Melvin 505

Melvin 505

Train, Why do you STILL have the MU background on the site? That was soooo last month!



HOLLEH 1234. LOOK WAT THE FOXOTIC CREATOR SAYS ABOUT COPYING OUR WORLDS. “Also, we are not ‘copying’ any virtual world, we are simply creating the best virtual world experience for everyone.” No. Your world will be the worse. Disney will sue you. Pandanda says “Any site other than that is hosting Pandanda is running an illegal pirated copy of Pandanda. These sites are in violation of copyright and trademark law and are neither authorized or endorsed by Sunleaf Studios.” And then we have their final blob of words, “These sites are operating illegally and Sunleaf Studios will aggressively defend its copyright and pursue criminal charges as necessary.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. END FOXOTIC. NOW. YOU BETTER.



Such a surprise :O

Adrián Anhelo

Adrián Anhelo

Is only on ipad :( In only 2 days! I´m totally exited! and the Train Tuesday Train?



I’m about to post Train Tuesday. :)