Minor Club Penguin Updates – New Portuguese Magazine Issue, Login Screen (From Last Week)

By / June 26, 2013

Here’s two minor Club Penguin updates! The first one is the 12th issue of Club Penguin’s magazine in Portuguese is now available! It’s a secret agent issue.


For those of you who speak Portuguese here is the description:

O maior vilão da ilha Club Penguin é o destaque desta edição. Conheça as artimanhas do urso-polar que detesta o frio e aprenda a derrotá-lo em passatempos irados. E mais: Ganhe moedas online e um item do Livro dos Tesouros, além de smoking e óculos especiais para vestir seu pinguim!


Second of all a new login screen was released last week for Puffle Digging. I never posted about it because I didn’t have time but I figured now would be a good time to!

Screen Shot 2013-06-22 at 12.17.58 AM

The following pages have been updated:

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Adrian anhelo

Adrian anhelo

I have it!!! The same magazine was also a number of the spanish magazine!!



Trainman I just translated it to english here is what it says:
The greatest villain of Club Penguin Island is the highlight of this issue. Learn the tricks of the polar bear who hates the cold and learn how to defeat him in hobbies angry. Plus: Earn coins and an item online Book of Treasures, and tuxedos and special glasses to wear your penguin!

Enb 11

Enb 11

Whatup, in the part “hobbies angry” it would be something like “awesome hobbies” cause “Irado” has two meanings: Something cool or awesome and angry or irated. I know this cuz i’m brazilian!