Minor Club Penguin Updates: Website Looks, Operation Hot Sauce
Along with Club Penguin’s bigger updates today, here are the smaller ones. The first one I noticed is Club Penguin changed their website navigation bar and background! Previously it looked like this, such as on the blog: (ignore the messed up navigation bar, but you get the general idea)
Now it looks like this, with the homepage background and navigation bar!
It’s not just the blog, either. You can see it around the community section, such as the fun stuff page:
Also, Operation Hot Sauce is now over! Agents, stay tuned…
I will Train!!
It is also on Parents, Products and Help.
I think it’s a Marvel Superhero Takeover background by the looks of it.
Trainman!Check Instagram!Club Penguin uploaded an EPF photo!Will be some kind of mission?
Maybe, idk.