April 2013 Parent Update

By / April 11, 2013

Club Penguin is now sending out a new parent update for April 2013. This month’s newsletter covers the Marvel Superhero Takeover and Operation Hot Sauce. Here it is:

Screen Shot 2013-04-11 at 9.13.23 PM

The newsletter reads:

Calling All Heroes & Villains!

It’s time to take action when Club Penguin turns into Penguintropolis. Everyone can play in the new battle, but only members can suit up in over 25 Marvel costumes. Who will rise to victory?

The EPF Needs You!

Discover clues and solve puzzles to help the Elite Penguin Force crack the case of the missing hot sauce. And members can use an upgraded spy phone and elite gadgets to help complete this new mission until April 16.

EPF Wallpaper

Be resourceful. Be remarkable. Be ready. Celebrate the launch of a new secret agent mission with high-tech EPF agent wallpaper!

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It’s me, I am checking all twitters and blogs, trust me



Trainman. How do I receive the parent updates thingy? Do I need to know CP’s email or something?



Email Club Penguin support asking to be signed up.