On This Day In Club Penguin History – March 11
Updates on the 11th of March happened in the year 2011.
The first of those updates was the St. Patrick’s Igloo Decorating Contest kicking off. Member penguins could decorate their igloo to their liking and then submit it for a chance to win some awesome prizes. To go along with the igloo decorating contest the furniture catalogue for that month was released with some sweet food related items and also some St. Patrick’s Day related items for the igloo contest.
This was my entry for the igloo decorating contest. I thought it was pretty awesome, but I guess Club Penguin didn’t because I didn’t win… :(
Other updates included the Pink Puffle Pin being hidden at the Cove and the Purple Puffle Pin being hidden at the Pizza Parlour, since Club Penguin was temporarily releasing two Puffle Pins every two weeks for a limited time.
The final update was the Bean Counters game getting a whole new look, including the secret candy level. It was a completely unexpected update, which made it all the more fun.
Want to see and learn more? Check out these pages about the topics mentioned above.
I remember this contest! (Never won :P)
Thanks Trainman! This gave the Club Penguin Wikia a bit more information! :D Thank you!
You’re welcome!
“It was a completely unexpected update, which made it all the more fun.”
When will CP understand this?
+1 to you, GThing.
Oh yeah.
I entered on this contest…I WOULD HAVE WON if someone did NOT copy my idea. I had an awesome idea of doing an Ireland Flag with Puffle Beds but sadly someone stole my idea and the CP Team SELECTED the dude who copied me and NOT ME. D’: I hate cheaters :'(
I was also busy that time when I went to a School Competition competing in ALL of the schools around the world (Of my country, I don’t remember good :P), however, didn’t win either…
P.S. I went on for Math