March 25, 2013 Moose Monday (Now Over)

UPDATE: Both are now over! I managed to attend the first one for a while – maybe you even saw me there!

From before:

Businesmoose has posted today’s Moose Monday on Club Penguin’s Blog rather than Twitter, so lots of penguins are bound to turn up! There will be two different Moose Monday times, both taking place on the server Fog.

The first one is at 2:00 PM PST, which is 5:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM in the UK.
The second one is at 5:00 PM PST, which is 8:00 PM EST and midnight in the UK.

I will be going!

19 thoughts on “March 25, 2013 Moose Monday (Now Over)

  1. The Rainbow Forest will be permanent too, because if you go to the map and click on “Pets”, they’ve added “Rainbow Quest” to the map!

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