Rookie Sends New EPF Message

Rookie has sent a new EPF message! This one questions where Herbert is.

Screen Shot 2013-02-07 at 1.24.20 PM

Hey guys! Have you seen Herbert? Or any signs of him like fur or vegetarian stuff? It’s so weird that he just totally completely disappeared… Don’t you THINK?

Where do you think Herbert is?

11 thoughts on “Rookie Sends New EPF Message

  1. *has an idea*Hey, Train! Do u remember the article for the crime scene in the pizza parlor?Well it seems Herbert stole the vegeterian pizzas and distroyed the parlor, to revenge the penguins! THAT WILL HAPPEN!!!!

    P.S.IM SECOND!!!!:D

  2. I got it! Remember the EPF sneak peek? The pizza parlor was destroyed. Anyway, my theory is that after all the noise and parties the Hollywood Party caused, Herbert is going to destroy the pizza parlor. :D

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