The Penguins That Time Forgot is Remembered at the Stage

Along with Club Penguin’s updates, they have unexpectedly updated the Stage with The Penguins That Time Forgot!

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In the catalogue you can click the purple penguin for the Grass Skirt. It costs 200 coins.

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You can also click the dinosaur for the Volcanic Background. ThanksĀ @Flames2179!

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The set is unchanged compared to previous showings.

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The following page has been updated:

18 thoughts on “The Penguins That Time Forgot is Remembered at the Stage

  1. I know whats coming up ever read the newspaper on Club Penguin? Well aunt arctic ran into candence and the puffle handler HERE ARE some information:

    Febuary: Puffle party

    March: Music Jam? Shake it up party again?

    That’s all I got the informaiton about puffle party was not much explaining in march I don’t know if its the music jam shake it up party again or something eles wait I just read the newspaper again it said in febuary there having a diffrent party what about the music and stuff im so confused good night sorry for bad spelling

    ~Chris Dog90

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