January 11th #FieldFriday Now In Session! (Now Over)

By / January 11, 2013

UPDATE: It’s now over.

Polo Field is holding his Field Friday a little later than usual today, but where he lives it’s still Friday! If you’re waiting to go on Club Penguin and hang out with Polo Field, now is your chance to do so. Simply meet up with him on the server Fjord.

Be sure to greet him on Club Penguin by going “MARCO!” and hoping he says “POLO!” back. Have fun everyone!

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penguin up45

penguin up45

i had to go to bed what a late fieldfriday :(



I didn’t get to go! MAYBE next time :)

did you have to go to bed it was past 10:00 D:



for me it was 3 am.