Quick Update On The 24 Days of Contests

By / December 19, 2012

Hi everyone, Trainman1405 here. I wanted to give you all an update on the 24 days of contests. I’ve made a few mistakes listing the prizes in posts, but I might be able to fix it. For some reason the Disney Store online no longer has any Club Penguin merchandise available (it’s just completely gone, not out of stock, just gone…disappeared without a trace) so I cannot make any purchases from there.

Basically, eleven times so far I said I was going to give out a Card-Jitsu code. I only have 7. I might be able to buy some as long as my local store has them in stock – which may be difficult, as Club Penguin products seem to be harder and harder to come across.

So if the local stores don’t have any more Card-Jitsu codes, what will I do? I will replace it with either 1 or 2 one week Club Penguin memberships.

I am trying to get ahold of some one month memberships too, and even an Innocent Smoothie code or two!

I will also not be giving out a Club Penguin Game Day code – instead it has to be a code from Herbert’s Revenge to unlock Flare. Again, I apologise! This was completely unexpected.

Either way, I will give the winners their prizes when I announce them. I will try my best to make up for this mess-up. I have sent Club Penguin an email asking why the Disney Store no longer lists any Club Penguin merchandise and am hoping I get a reply soon.

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Commander Bsyew

Commander Bsyew

Hopefully i win something :) Still you are awesome blogger and nice enough to do this!



You have nothing to worry about! You’re being nice enough by having this contest and spending your own money from your blog. ;)



I agree! AND I would love to unlock Flare, it would be awesome to have another puffle. :)

~Perapin :)

Dj Stores

Dj Stores

You need to be a member Perapin.

Lenny Thai

Lenny Thai

Maybe their are something wrong with the Codes.



No need to appologize! You are kind enough to give out free codes, and it doesn’t matter what they are!



trainman, I spotted a person with a snowball cannon!
it had a sight on it!
I asked where did he got it but this is what he replyed:Not youre problem!
do you know something about that item trainman?



It’s possible the person cheated the item but it is unlocked with a special membership card.



probably! when he danced the cannon launched snowballs! I was in shock



Thanks for the warning. Hugs

lolo sweety

lolo sweety

Ohw..that’s not a problem trainman as long you have some membership codes ;)

penguin up45

penguin up45

cp is soon not going to be by disney



OMG shocking new :O I think 7 days membership giveaway will be a bad idea becoz so many ppls host 7 day membership contests in a week! Why don’t u ask some kind ppls to donate few codes if they like? I know you’re against of taking somones code for free but you can pay him back when u buy the codes later? But you don’t need worry about codes! We know you’re a kind person and fair enough :-) You’re the best blogger :-) We will still appreciate whatever you have planned ahead in the future :-)

-Azeemsky :-)



I don’t want to take codes from people. :)



I sooo want to win!

Sky Blue 777

Sky Blue 777

Trainman, I do not think that many people will care if you do not have enough codes, we all appreciate you just giving these puzzles. Also you are paying for these by yourself and we all think that… It is the thought that counts. So we all know you are kind enogh to do this and we don’t think you need to.
P.S. if you don’t have enogh codes and I
( Sky Blue 777) have won a code, feel free to save your money and not give me one . After all, I enjoy the prizes but I also like the puzzles. Anyways your probably bored now from reading my long comment
So thank you for everything you do.



trainman, where are the questions!!!



No, it’s really okay. It’s nice enough that you use your personal savings to splurge on codes for us! :)



I really want to win something as I never won anything in my life. I have my fingers crossed to at least win something once.



if i get my hands on a code I’ll donate it. If people are mad at you for this they’re stupid and should be grateful that you’re giving out prizes at all. If I had that many codes I would probably keep them all to myself.



By the looks of it nobody is mad. You don’t need to donate one, don’t worry. :)