Club Penguin’s Holiday Party and Coins For Change Are Here!

By / December 19, 2012

The annual events of the Holiday Party and Coins For Change are now out! This is Club Penguin’s eighth Holiday Party and sixth year doing Coins For Change.

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Table of Contents:


When logging in, from the 21st of the 25th you can get some holiday gifts!

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Click the two presents in the bottom left to get some items!

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Go to the Ski Lodge and click the camera to sit on the Cozy Chair!

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You will then get the Big Cozy Chair Background.

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Also at the Ski Lodge, go to the Lodge Attic to access Santa’s Sleigh.

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You need to drop 15 presents into chimneys.

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Do this multiple times for multiple items. Blue Lightbulb:

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Yellow Lightbulb:

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Pink Lightbulb:

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Holiday Party

You can access a special catalogue (there are two) in multiple rooms. Such rooms include ones like the Gift Shop, Dock, and Forest.

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These are the two catalogues. They have more than one page.

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Coins For Change

There are several ways you can donate. You can waddle up to a donation station or go to the Bakery. You can donate to protect the earth, provide medical help, or to build safe places.

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Donating gives you the Coins For Change (CFC) 2012 Pin.

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You can view the Coin Total in several rooms such as the Snow Forts or Coffee Shop.

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Big jump in ten minutes.

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At the Bakery you can buy cookies for 100 coins each.

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If you turn into Frost Bite you can freeze penguins!

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To become a Toy Car, Reindeer Puffle, or Frost Bite (the Reindeer Puffle and Frost Bite are members only) simply spend 100 coins to earn 10 minutes worth of transformation.

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This is what you look like as a Toy Car:

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This is what you look like as a Frost Bite (in spiky ice form, you can do all sorts of cool stuff!)

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This is what you look like as a Reindeer Puffle.

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Click the icon in the top right next to the moderator badge to see how much time of your transformation is left.

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Be sure to make cookies! At the bakery go in through the door.

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Then follow the recipe!

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Also, a minor update – there is a new login screen.

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Miscellaneous Things

Rockhopper is visiting. He has a new background.

During these two events you can earn some special stamps! (note: I may be wrong on some)

  • Rockhopper – Be in the same room as Rockhopper
  • Top Volunteer – Give a 5000 coin donation to Coins For Change
  • Epic Volunteer – Give a 10,000 coin donation to Coins For Change.
  • Snowboarder – Do a snowboard dance at a party
  • Happy Room – Make 10 penguins smile in a room
  • Tree Mob – Get 10 or more friends to dress up as trees
  • Explorer – Visit all the decorated party rooms

There are three special limited time emotes!

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The map is updated!

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How do you like the party? I think it’s amazing!

The following pages have been updated:

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King Hazard

King Hazard

Its 1000 not 10000 for the epic volenter stamp



I love it! And Train how come the lodge attic isn’t there?



Santa’s Sleigh is there instead.



The best party on Club Penguin story ever



The party is awesome!Awesome new items



Hey Train, if you click the green box on the Daily Holiday Gifts screen you get a Holiday Teddy!



Nice post :3



I just hope the Christmas Scarf doesn’t come back.



I hope it does,i love that item and i would like to have it.



Train, how do you get the snowboard for the snowboard dance stamp?



Wear a snowboard and dance.



Ah man, I wished I got the Christmas scarf back in 2007 but there was a glitch trying to get it for me.



Amazing! Club Penguin did a great job!



The spy phone replaced ‘Gift Shop’ with ‘Clothes Shop’!



Good eye!



Hey Trainman!

You can access the Lodge Attic during the party! There 2 ways

1. Use the link to go to the room (Just like the special party rooms links)

2. Use the EPF Spy Phone to get there directly, this is easier.

Yellow Crown

Yellow Crown

Wow, this party is MEGA. HUGE. 3 transformations, about 5 different snowballs, shrinking and freezing effects, over 8 free items, two new rooms, numerousnew room decorations, not to mention daily TWO free items, for the first time new emoticons and realtime coin count, map update, Rockhopper meetups AND a new colour since 2009! 2012 was a big year for parties, but this once pretty much wrapped all of the 2012 parties to become the biggest party yet!!



Hey penguins i’m so sorry about that i did not post my christmas dance party last year in 2012 so this year in 2013 i am gonna throw a huge party it’s going to be on christmas eve and december 23 so i will post it now so december starts in 10 month’s i did it in february 2013 because i’m gonna get ready to post it



Ice skaing party wear christmas outfits! When: december 23 2013 where: dock time:1:00pm -4:00pm i can’t wait for you all to come and make sure to wear christmas outfits so i’ll see you on december 23 !!