Gary Has Sent a New EPF Message

By / November 1, 2012

There is a new EPF message from Gary on our spy phones!

Excellent! Things are back to normal. My great uncle Gariwald has returned to the ghostly world to continue his research. Well done!

How are things back to normal if you hinted at the Blackout in the newspaper?

Thanks Happyblue128!

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Dj Stores

Dj Stores

He meant things are back to normal, for now…

Cool Man8172

Cool Man8172

Oh! I was going to show you it…

Cool Man8172

Cool Man8172

Hi Trainy! I was hoping you could make me Penguin of the weekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
I know I haven’t been as nice as usual but I have been commenting and replying others comments. Please make me Penguin of the weeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Sorry about that. If you don’t wanna choose me, I understand. I still cannot wait for your next penguin of the weeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk.



One day! I have lots of people to make penguin of the week.



Train! The Pizza parlor’s music has a link to the EPF song!



It would be nice if Gariwald could have gone to normal Penguin form for a bit, that would have been cool. Gariwald should have stuck around more…not just disappear till next year october >.>.



Train, the CP Times room was updated a tiny bit. Now if you mouse over the stairs that lead to the Coffee Shop, it lights up!