On This Day In Club Penguin History – October 17

By / October 17, 2012

October 17th in Club Penguin History falls on the year of 2008 in which there were five updates. Rockhopper arrived at Club Penguin yet again. His free item for everyone was the Eye Patch (returned) and the catalogue also contained two clothing items and a furniture item for members. The two clothing items were the Sea-Worthy Dress and Sea-Worthy Suit, both costing 500 coins each. The furniture item was the Desert Island and cost 850 coins for every one you purchased. There were no hidden items in his rare items catalogue this time around.

Moving on to igloo related updates, the igloo contest started! This has always been a yearly tradition on Club Penguin. The igloo music was also updated. The new tracks were Halloween, Halloween Dance, and Epic Battle. The igloo catalogue was updated and added the Jack O’ Lantern Igloo, a popular igloo of choice for penguins wishing to have a fitting igloo for the igloo decorating contest. The igloo cost 2,700 coins. Finally, the furniture catalogue was updated. The newly updated furniture catalogue featured a few new items such as the Laboratory Desk, Control Terminal, and Plasma Ball. Classic Halloween items such as the Jack-O-Lanterns were returned to the game.

The following items were mentioned in this article:

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Trainman can give me the source of the letter of the new logo of Club Penguin? Please



I don’t have it, someone gave me it.