On This Day In Club Penguin History – October 15

By / October 15, 2012

On October 15th in Club Penguin History there was an update in 2010. There was a furniture catalogue and that year’s Halloween Igloo Decorating Contest. We all know how Igloo Decorating contests go (you design your igloo with the specified theme, submit it, and maybe you’ll win!) so I will just be focusing on the new furniture catalogue in the post. The furniture catalogue contained new items such as the Spooky Penguin Statue, Torn Carpet, and Pile O’ Candy. Items such as the Jack-O-Lanterns were brought back.

The following items were mentioned in this article:

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hey trainman i know a way on how to get a free membership!

chris dog90

chris dog90

I liked that catalog!!

Blue 28z

Blue 28z

Will the Dark Chember be making a re-apperaance this year Trainman? I see that the mansion will be located in the forest so I’m unsure. Oh, and what server are you on right now (if you’re online)? If you don’t post this comment in 5-10 minutes I’ll asumme that your offline – Blue

Blue 28z

Blue 28z

Sorry, I meant Chamber!



I don’t know if it’ll be returning.

Blue 28z

Blue 28z

soz, now i gotta go!



wait does that mean i will never go to the dark chamber because i wasnt here last year… well i was but i wasnt a member though