Club Penguin November 2012 Penguin Style Catalogue Cheats

By / October 31, 2012

Club Penguin has released their eleventh edition of clothing styles for 2012 in the Clothes Shop! The main theme of the new items in this catalogue is related to Operation Blackout – DUN DUN DUNNNN…

There are two new backgrounds – the top left and top right ones.

Here are the hidden items:

Click the shoe for some items. They range in price.

Click the paintbrush that the penguin is holding.

The Viking Helmet will appear. It costs 750 coins.

Open and close it four times. The Blue Viking Helmet will then appear. It costs 1,200 coins.

Click the footprint in the ground on the page with the Pizza Costume for the Werewolf Costume.

Click the female penguin for the Vampire Fangs. They cost 50 coins.

Click the pizza for the Cow Costume.

Click the mirror for the Green Bumper.

What is your favourite new item in this catalogue? Below is a video of all the cheats.

The following pages have been updated:

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i thought it wuz only the november catalog train.



Club penguin has been putting a lot less hidden items in the catalogs…



I have bought everything there is to buy including stage items!



This has been one of my favorites this year I also liked the marvel hero one. But I have liked all of the clothing items!



I keep forgetting! My favorite thing was probably the snow boarding secret and the EPF item on the third page. At least I think that page.