Will This Year’s Fair Tickets Work Next Year? Here Is Club Penguin’s Official Answer

By / September 30, 2012

As you probably recall hearing, this year’s Fair is the first one that lets you save your tickets even after logging off – all previous Fairs (2007-2011) when you logged off, you lost them. Now this year when you log off, whatever amount you had is what the amount you’ll have when you log back in.

So what about next year? Will the tickets from this year work next year? I had this thought recently and figured I would ask Club Penguin. Here is their official response on the subject:

I personally can’t guarantee whether or not left over tickets from this years Fair will be carried over to next years’ Fair if there is one held. My recommendation is that you try to use up as many of the tickets that you’ve earned this year just in case they are not carried over to next.

So there you have it. Nothing is known for sure if any tickets earned at this Fair will transfer to the next Fair as of now, but I guess we’ll know whenever the next Fair is. (most likely September 2013)

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haha, people acting like it’s so hard to earn tickets



very intersesting