Crash the Party in Club Penguin! September 2012 Parent Update

By / September 21, 2012

Club Penguin has begun to send out their new parent update newsletter. For those of you who are not subscribed or have yet to receive it, here it is. Thanks to Graser10 for giving me the email early. It says there are new bumper cars. Plural. We only got one new colour this year, the Purple Wheeler.

Win Prizes

Step right up! Until Oct. 2, Club Penguin will host a huge Fair! The best part? The cotton candy & ice cream cones at this party are guaranteed not to cause cavities! Penguins can play mini-games, earn tickets, win prizes and get imaginative with costumes and rooms. Everyone can enjoy The Great Puffle Circus, and members can tear up the Stadium in new bumper cars! Check it out!

Introducing… Lisa!

Lisa leads a team of moderators who work to keep Club Penguin safe and fun. They login and play Club Penguin as a way of keeping a close eye on what’s happening, lead tours of our HQ for groups of kids, respond to questions, and much more! Lisa loves purple puffles because they dance, and her penguin is working towards full Water Ninja status!

Fight Bullying

With many children now back in the classroom after school holidays now is a great time to sit down as a family and revisit the tough topic of bullying. Experts suggest parents talk to their kids about what’s going on in their lives; remind them you’re available to listen and help; and ask them to talk to a trusted adult if they’re bullied or know someone who is.

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Well, we know what one of next weeks prizes is.



Yup, ice cream. I like the way they bring back SOME old items like the toffee apple and keep some rare, like the blue candy floss. Luckily, I have the blue candy floss and not the toffee apple so I got it today mwa ha ha!



I hope its a new ice cream cone, because i really want new items (at least change their color) during the fair booths



fish your one of my friends on club penguin pluto10500 is my name



Eh train, you haven’t forgot there are actually 2 wheelers released. The purple and the green (hidden). Just letting u know- Wingred :)



whatever it is I want to meet Rookie