Club Penguin Space Adventure: Planet Y Cheats (September 2012 Show)
After first debuting on October 10th in 2008 and returning to the stage on November 19th, 2010, a third showing of Space Adventure: Planet Y is now available at the stage on Club Penguin.
There are no hidden items in the catalogue.
The following pages have been updated:
First! I love your Website Trainman!
My favorite play :D
While I enjoy this play, I wish they would bring back the first space adventure instead of the sequel. I joined Club Penguin in July 2008 and have seen the sequel every time it has been at the stage but have never been able to see the original since it has never been re-released since I joined. Do you think they will bring the original back anytime soon?
I remember this play from 2010! It only seemed like yesterday. :D
I clearly remember entering the stage for the first time as “Space Adventure” was playing. I needed to use my mom’s old laptop because my sister was using the computer, so Club Penguin was very laggy!
During the stage construction, I thought it was going to be a movie theater, but my real-life friend, the one who showed me Club Penguin, pointed out that the sign said “Actors Needed”, so it would be a regular theater.