Club Penguin Halloween Party 2012 Sneak Peek From Polo Field
Club Penguin staff member Polo Field uploaded a sneak peek of the 2012 Club Penguin Halloween Party to the Club Penguin Wiki. Others have it in smaller size, but I managed to get the much bigger version of it. Special thanks to Commander Bsyew for emailing me about it! Here it is:
Wow, this party looks like it will be absolutely amazing! For more Halloween Party 2012 sneak peeks, check out the party commercial, the magazine item sneak peek, and the whole list of safe chat messages talking about time travel, a new Puffle, Card-Jitsu Snow, and more.
Thanks :)
No comments :O
I am asian. Tun tun tunn…
?? ‘-‘
That’s a fake Trainman1405, they did O instead of 0.
Why is that so funny? xD
I knew it was fake. Also, its Dun dun dunnn.
yeah lol.
Do you know if there is going to be a trick or treat scavenger hunt this year?
Nope. Sorry!
probably yes, cuz what is a halloween party without trick or treat and a scavenger hunt ^^
He said no because he doesnt know yet. but there probably is one
There is. I went on a test server and there is a scavenger hunt. The prize is a Spooky Candy Forest Baclground.
Waddle On!
Um…you’re a FAKE Happy77…You’re not the real Happy77.
Wow. I am Fake Polo Feild and you are Fake Happy77
The Halloween party is gonna be AWESOME becuz you get to become a ghost or hunt for ghosts
no, white/caucasian.
why does it matter anyway?
What is that place ?
I dunno, it looks like a special party room.
It says GW on the gates, what does that mean? Grave workers?
Hmm maybe.
Maybe the G means gary and the w means his last name.
Shouldn’t Polo Field be wearing his normal outfit?
(graduation cap, ect)
Yeah good point mabey its fake!
Sorry *maybe* XD
WOW that’s awesome O_O
Look at the color on polo field
You mean normal dark blue? The color that has been out since CP started? Yeah, I saw.
Hey trainman! Found a detailed bug, if you see the stadium by the town or snow forts, you will see the current town but if you go to stadium, it is the bumper cars thingy, so the bumper car arena doesn’t show up in the snow forts or town.
I posted this on your other site, Club Penguin Bugs just to let you know ;)
Looks awesome!
Trainman,there’s a site that plagearam your post:
There is a website that plagiarized this post:
Thanks for letting me know.
this is gonna be great :D
I’m blue da ba dee da ba da ^^
I went on a test server. It was AWESOME! I became a ghost!
Like I said before, you’re not Happy77.
U are fake happy77 I am real billybob
Who is Trainman1405??? I am!!!
Hey penguins! I know I retired but I still play CP a little!
Add me. I will accept
Hi! I won’t be posting on ClubPenguinCP for a few days. I will have Eric703 and Caldog9 fill in for me. I will still tweet on twitter. I will play CP when I am on vacation once or twice!
Waddle On!
Hey! Shouldn’t polo field be wearing his normal outfit?! Maybe this photo is fake
Polo Field confirmed it’s his image.
Trainman would u search for a sneak peek where the sneak peek shows how is IN the mansion?
Currently there is nothing. When there is I will definitely post it.