Trainman1405 In Real Life: The Letter That Started It All

By / August 7, 2012

Since I’m at the beach, this is going to be a short post for the Trainman1405 In Real Life series. Last week I stumbled upon an old document that got me started with websites. It’s dated March 3, 2007.

A little background information first:

  • I joined Club Penguin in August 2006 at age 11
  • I was told about Piczo, a free website builder, in December 2006
  • I worked on my real life friend’s (Bo13245) Piczo started in December 2006 or January 2007
  • Because I was under 13, the age requirement for Piczo, I couldn’t make one so I had to convince my parents to. The letter I wrote to my parents to persuade them to let me have a Piczo website is below. I was 11 (I turned 12 in a little over three months after writing this)

Now, my first Club Penguin website that I made wasn’t Club Penguin Memories. If I remember I made two Piczo websites. In March 2007 I made trainman1405fan and then in July 2007 I made -the-train-station-. (both are deleted) The original Club Penguin Memories Piczo website was not made until December 7, 2007. I worked on that Piczo site until May 2010. I stopped updating it, then started moving from Piczo to WordPress in October 2010. I finished in December 2010 and launched this Club Penguin Memories WordPress website on January 1, 2011 and have been using this site since. :)

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Lance Jin

Lance Jin

Thats a nice and cool(real like) story :) :) :) :D :D :D



AWWWWWWWWW… I just made blogs and stuff when I felt like it. My first blog was on Blogspot. One day later I moved to WordPress. Used that for a year, got like 50k views. Gave up for like 4 years (well with a few small sites in between and I was always tweeting but never really posting.) then I actually began blogging a lot again this year…

What about Graser? Did he get one too?



Nice story! Graser made a Piczo site eventually, around the time he turned 13. I got one a while before him though.



I use blogspot

Dj Stores

Dj Stores

Short post, I would expect a really LLLOOOONNNNGGGG post for Trainman in Real Life. Yes, you can call that letter ‘ The Letter ‘ (it deserves a title!)



I remember your Pizco website ;)






I remember your old piczo website!



Better written than any note I’ve written to my parents.



you promised not to share any personal information and now you’ve got a whole series of posts about you in real life 030



I know :P I read over it and I was like “wow that’s really funny”. times have changed since I’m older. Plus my parents said it was okay :P



lol u didnt have a good calligraphy XD

Gregrocks23 (You know me well enough now, don't you?)

Gregrocks23 (You know me well enough now, don't you?)

Cool! My handwriting is much better though :P and I’m doing the same to get at least a DEMO for MW3 (Just without the written letter) and have done it many, many times… I can totally relate to that :D Anyway, cool post. Since you were at the beach, how did you scan the document?



I scanned it a few days before I left for the beach.