Club Penguin’s ‘The Party Starts Now’ Ringtone On iTunes
While the official full length song of DJ Cadence’s ‘The Party Starts Now’ won’t be on iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon MP3 until Tuesday July 17th, iOS users can purchase the ringtone (for iPhones) of the song from the official iTunes store application on iOS devices. Just search for The Party Starts now. The ringtone is 29 seconds long and costs $1.29 in United States dollars. The regular song will cost $1.29 also.
Thanks for the tip, Digo900!
In GBP (£) this is?
1.29 US dollars = 0.8296 British pounds sterling
You guys do realize this encourages kids to want to have their own cell phones. Parents might not like this.
How does it encourage kids to want a cell phone? It’s just a 29 second ringtone. You do realize some teenagers play Cp. Disney isn’t forcing you to buy the ringtone. I’ve been wanting a cell phone years before this song was made. It doesn’t bug my parents if I ask for a cell phone all the time. All they have to do is say no.
…and then there are 17 year old teenagers like me who don’t even own a cell phone and never have. :P
How does it encourage? You answered your own question. “Its just a 29 second ringtone”, and that’s meant for cellphones. My comment was clearly targeting kids, not teenagers. Also, not every parent is like your parents.
All I am saying is, if kids see this, no doubt, will it instill encouragement just to get their hands a cellphone, and that’s what some parents don’t want.
If they like the song, they don’t need a phone to listen to it. They can put it on their ipod or MP3 Player, or their computer. It doesn’t make me want a cell phone any more than I did a week ago.
Well, I guess it makes a right ringtone for me. At least it’s less humiliating than a My Little Pony remix tune :P
Wait, can’t you record it as your ringtone or is that copyright?
I’m not too familiar with copyright laws like that, but think of it as taking a video camera to the cinema and recording the movie. That’s illegal, so I’d assume recording audio of copyrighted works would be illegal too.
How much in Australian money??
1.29 US dollars = 1.2620 Australian dollars
Traiman,i have got the link of the video complete “the party is now”(in spanish) link:
Train :D G Billy and cece jones are following my Twitter :D and i was tweeting with G billy and Cece and i asked Cece if she and rocky would have a signed background and they said “YES” :) and the Penguin band will give randomly at the party 1 or 2 times a day a location of them on the island during the party :)
and G billy said that Franky may come online today and he ment the servers franky visted yesterday ( Iceland )
They aren’t real Twitter accounts, they are posers. :L
Look Trainman, a new bug in Club Penguin, if you are a member and membership ends the items you wear to stay put on your penguin.
I dont think they r posers , cuz clubpenguin follows them doesn’t follow them. Unless you’re referring to another account. :S