Good News: I’m Hiring More Club Penguin Memories Tracking Team Members! (now over)
Lately I’ve seen an increase in people asking to join the Club Penguin Memories Tracking Team. With many mascots waddling around during the Ultimate Jam I figured I would open up submissions once again. Simply fill out the application. If it does not load you can view it in a new page here.
I do not have a set amount of people I will hire. Be sure to put in your real email address as I will need to contact you! I’ll pick the more members this weekend. I will make a post welcoming the new members once I choose and also add them to the staff page. Good luck, and please don’t be discouraged if you are not chosen!
Another thing that is unrelated: I apologise for the two and a half hours of downtime earlier today with the 403 forbidden error.
LOL, do you watch Gravity Falls too? :P
I too. I hope they put Dipper and Mabel in a halloween party. It would fit so well.
Yeah, my picture on the chat is Mabel. She is AWESOME!!!
OMG!!! Send Club Penguin an email about the Halloween party. I DID THREE DAYS AGO!!! OMG, thats so funny!
I will be updating the tracker for you, master Train. Especially for the new coming mascots that everyone needs. :)
I hope I get in :)
Cool, I sent one.
cool i sent one…
Train, I think you get the daily challenge every 12 hours, cause I got mine around the time I went in the morning, but at PM. What do you think?
definitely likely
i hope i get to join train plz resond and say you will plz
You’ll find out when everybody else does. ;-)
When do we find out?
By Monday
Does that mean ON Monday or Monday AT THE LATEST? :p
Monday at the latest.
Sorry about my absense. I got very busy due to school. But can I be back on the team?
You’re still on it! :-)